Test QuietWrite Post
I discovered quietwrite.com the other day. Probably through Lifehacker, but I have quite honestly forgotten. I like the concept: somewhere to write, with autosaves and options for publishing later if you so desire.
I’ve fallen out of the “long-format blog post” habit, seemingly preferring Twitter-style short-format updates. But maybe something like this (which also, incidentally, works on the iPad) might be just what I need.
I wonder if it’ll work on my Android tablet?
…Bored and on the Internet
Because I have nothing better to do, my current Android home screen layout:
Enabling SSH on Dell PowerConnect Switches
Because I had so much trouble finding this information.
If you’ve already got telnet set up, and your config includes a line like
username admin password 123487123458134789561278561927845 level 15 encrypted
Then you’re already very close. Only two steps remain between you and SSH console access.
- crypto key generate dsa (or rsa)
- ip ssh server
That’s it! Don’t bother with the instructions that you might find in the user guide for “configuring an initial SSH console password” that have you mess with aaa authentication default line and the like. They’re red herrings.
…Android? Android!
*pffffff* Wow, that’s a lot of dust.
I bought an Android phone last year. A T-Mobile MyTouch 3G, which is a rebranded HTC Magic 32b. I like it a lot, even though about 2 months later the Nexus One was released. It’s become my primary pocket-based internet device; Heather inherited my old 1st-gen iPod Touch. Being the huge geek that I am, I’m surprised I waited the week that I did before I voided the warranty, got root, and installed a “mod”. Mostly because I could, but also partially to gain some performance and features that weren’t available on the stock ROM.
…Extracting a tar archive, advanced!
Because otherwise I’ll forget and have to search through forum posts to find it again:
Let’s say you have a tar archive, foo.tar.gz . Let’s also say that this archive contains an upgraded version of a popular blogging software suite. The contents of the archive look like this:
foo/index.php foo/image.jpg foo/css/web.css foo/css/print.css
Let’s also suppose, shall we, that you’ve got the previous version of foo already installed in another location, like /var/www/foo.example.com/ , and you want to extract the contents of the archive (here’s the important part) into that directory, without having to move the directory contents or rename any directories, or whatnot. Here’s how:
…Things I want in the (not-yet-created) 3rd-Generation iPod Touch
Since Apple didn’t update the product line at their event this afternoon, I figure I’ll post my wishlist of things that I want to see in the new model. Since anyone with that kind of clout reads this page.
- A Camera. Stills is fine, video would be an added bonus. The camera on my BlackBerry sucks big-time, and I’d like to take cute pictures of Nora without having to carry a 3rd piece of electronics around with me.
- Full Bluetooth support. I want to be able to sync with my MacBook over Bluetooth, I want to be able to use the Bluetooth speakers in my office (or Bluetooth headphones, if I ever buy any). I want full file-transfer abilities, too; not just the crappy “you can sync your calendar and contacts” that it has now.
- A good speaker (yes, I know that the 2nd-generation iPod Touch has a speaker; I don’t have one of those) with an independent software volume control for each of sound effects and music
I think that if Apple added all three of those features, I might downgrade my BlackBerry to “stick that makes phone calls”, and do all of the “funnest” stuff on the iPod. Or if Apple gives up on the AT&T exclusivity for the iPhone, and lets T-Mobile sell them in the US, I’ll just trade both out for an iPhone 3GS. But since I don’t see that happening any time soon, I’ll just have to continue hoping for upgrades instead….
…I'm a daddy!
Nora was born at 2:31 this afternoon, weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 oz, and 19.5 inches long.
She’s swaddled and sleeping right now (and boy am I envious). Heather is pretty exhausted; I think once she gets out of the shower, she’s going to try to get some sleep (before she has to wake up for a feeding). I’m running on new-father adrenaline and the fact that I finally ate something bigger than a breakfast taco for the first time in about 24 hours, but I suspect that in the very near future I’m going to crash and sleep for about a month.
…Ugh, that was irritating
OK, this is going to start out being technical (actually, the entire thing will be technical). So you might want to skip this unless you’re a hardcode geek.
Now that the warning’s been issued:
I finally decided to take another swing at OpenID. Specifially, the Wordpress OpenID plugin. It just wouldn’t work on this site (Dreamhost doesn’t have the GMP library installed, and the fallback method failed to work). This didn’t bother me in the past, but it finally got to the point (again) that it bothered me that it didn’t work. I think the last straw was when I tried to sign into filttr.com. So Google to the rescue!
…My Menu Bar, redux
Seems like when I’m bored, I post one of these. So, without further ado, the “systray” equivalent on my mac, as of about 5 minutes ago: