QRCode and other site updates
Heh. So no mater how much I try to keep on top of this site, I can’t seem to find something to write about on a daily basis. Heck, even my automated del.icio.us posts don’t happen on a daily basis, which means I’m not even finding fun sites to bookmark or articles to read on a daily basis.
I have been playing around with QRCodes this morning. They’re 2-dimensional barcodes that are apparently really big in Japan these days. I installed a reader on my phone (which is stupid, and can’t properly decode images that I take pictures of unless they’re 1024x768 and saved to the phone memory instead of to my sd card), and installed a plugin on the site to auto-generate the images. They look like this:
And hopefully that image actually linked properly; WordPress isn’t showing it in the preview, so who knows?
I don’t know if these things will continue being cool, or if it’s a flash-in-the-pan sort of thing. But it was easy to set up, so I’m not going to complain.