
Posted on Sep 12, 2006

People “in the know”, who are both familiar with my likes and personality, and who watch television, have said to me

Paul, you would really like Lost. You should watch it.

Now, I typically trust the opinions of these people; one of ’em is a very talented writer and the others usually hit the nail on the head in regards to what I might enjoy. So, I see that Lost is available on the iTunes store. Apple wants $1.99 an episode, for 320x240 DRM’ed video that I’ll only be able to watch on my laptop. Seems like a lot when I can get the DVDs for $42.87 (that’s season 1; season 3 is $35.99) on Amazon. But I digress. I’m in the process of downloading Season 1 of Lost. This isn’t the first time I’ve had these episodes on my computer; about a year ago, before S2 started, I watched the first 3 or 4 episodes. It’s good writing, so far as I remember, and as long as it doesn’t start getting stupid like JJ Abrams’ other show, I think I may stick with it. However, it appears that ABC is again pulling their “starts at 5 minutes after the hour” shit, so I’ll likely never watch it off of TV, instead opting to download it. iTunes generally has the episodes pretty soon after they air, or should I desire, I know there are places that exist in a moral grey area that I could use to acquire the episodes as well.

PS: note the ambiguity in some of what I wrote above. Curious, no?