Hollandaise Sauce

Posted on Sep 8, 2006

So I made some Hollandaise sauce the other day. Aside from a bit of stiffness in my wrist from all the whisking, it’s not actually that hard. I used the Good Eats recipe (from the episode Hitting the Sauce; try Google or GEFP for the actual details). Having done it the “easy” way, I’m curious as to how difficult it is to make the sauce in the traditional manner, with melted clarified butter instead of chilled knobs of butter. The traditional way is a bit more work (I hate clarifying butter, because it’s such a pain in the ass when I try to get the solids separated out), but I think the texture will probably be a bit less “thick” on the tongue, and both more and less rich at the same time, if that makes sense.

Of course, at about 3,000,000 weight watchers points per serving, it’s not something I’m likely to enjoy again for a very long time, but it’ll go in my bag of tricks for the next special occasion that’s at breakfast-time.