She said yes!
This morning, after breakfast, I asked Heather to marry me. She said yes, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the homemade Hollandaise talking. Well, actually, she said “of course I will”, which I interpreted as “yes”. So everybody keep the first weekend or two of October 2007 open (we’re shooting for the 6th, but who knows with catering halls), because there’s sure to be a fun event around then involving a nice ceremony and some tasty vittles. Heather says there’s going to be at least one pretty dress as well.
Holy crap, I’m the happiest man in the world right now.
OK, I’ve been corrected. Even though I heard “pretty dress” the first time, it’s now been updated to “a beautiful dress”.
Further updates will either be at or (we haven’t decided yet). Oops: it’s You’d think I’d be able to remember the hostname for a site that’s on a computer in my apartment, wouldn’t you? Oops 2: it also apparently Boy, I’m just one for the typos, aren’t I?
*For those interested, I made Eggs Benedict from scratch. Very tasty, and it turns out that Hollandaise sauce isn’t anywhere nearly as hard to make as people say.