A fun little game?
I saw this on some random blog earlier, and while I don’t usually go for the Internet memes, this one looked like a bit of fun.
[A is for age] 29, but only for another 92 days
[B is for booze of choice] When I have a choice, it’s Bushmill’s Irish Whiskey. When I don’t have a choice, it’s anything but tequila.
[C is for career of choice] Something better than what I’m currently doing. Ideally, I’d like to win the lottery, and start paying myself to sit around all day playing on the computer.
[D is for your drug of choice] Caffeine is pretty much the only one I do these days, and that not even so much. Maybe matein (since I drink a lot of mate tea)?
[E is for one essential item you use everyday] Hmmm. My iBook. Nothing else gets “everyday” status.
[F is for favorite song at the moment] Chumbawamba, “Home With Me” off of Readymades
[G is for favorite game] Scrabble. Followed closely by Trivial Pursuit and Texas 42.
[H is for Hometown] Austin, TX. Arlington is just somewhere that I used to live.
[I is for instruments you play] Violin
[J is for favorite juice] Cranberry, although I’ve recently been digging Odwalla’s “Super Food.”
[K is for kids] None so far, but I’m not vehemently opposed to them
[L is for last hug] Heather, before I left for work last night
[M is for marriage?] see “K”.
[N is for nickname] I don’t really have a nickname; “Paul” is pretty short to start with.
[O is for number of overnight hospital stays] None that I can remember
[P is for phobias] Aside from the typical male “fear of rejection,” none.
[Q is for quote] “Everything that happens, stays happened.” –Terry Pratchett
[R is for biggest regret] No comment.
[S is for singing] Frequently, when I’m alone in my truck. Sometimes in other places, when there’s enough other people to hide the fact that I can’t carry a tune that well.
[T is for time you woke up] usually between 1600 and 1700 Central.
[U is for underwear] Boxers.
[V is for vegetable you love] I can’t choose “all of the above”? Bah. Um… tomatoes are fruits, so I’m gonna have to go with broccoli. But not just the florets; I like the stems a lot more than the tops.
[W is for worst habit] cracking my neck every 10 minutes
[X is for number of x-rays you’ve got] 2, I think.
[Y is for yummy food you make] Most things I make are yummy. I’m particularly fond of frittatas.
[Z is for zodiac sign] Saggitarius. Good ol’ archer.
Tag: rabidchild izlosst ladyhezzie