Titles and subject lines are the bane of my existence
OK, that was silly. But anyway…
I suppose some updates are in order, since it’s been a long time since my last “real” update. I know a few people are subscribed to my RSS feed, but in all likelihood, only about 5 people will read this entry anyway. Well, aside from the Googlebot. Hi, Googlebot!
But what to update about? Everyone who reads this already knows that I’ve been going out with Heather for the last month, and I’m not going to say anything more about that for fear of jinxing it. My job isn’t particularly interesting these days, so there’s nothing new to report there, either. Nobody’s managed to piss me off, so there’s no real material to base a rant on. I did install a new hard drive and bluetooth module in my laptop, but that’s not really anything newsworthy.
Hm. Maybe an update isn’t really something I need to do. Maybe I just need to get out and do things that I can write about here instead.
I’ll do that tomorrow. Really.