Happy Birthday to Me!
Well, it’s my birthday today. There’s not really that much to say about it; I’m at work, and I really wish I’d brought the Gamecube that I bought myself as an early present on Saturday.
Events like birthdays, at least in my mind, are a time for personal reflection. But what to reflect upon? I’m finally losing weight, and once I get past the holidays I’m well on my way to my target weight. I’ll probably even start working out after the new year (although I may get my membership in December to beat out all the price gouging that I imagine happens after everyone makes their New Year’s resolutions). My finances are looking up for the first time since I got a credit card (back in 1995, finally paid off 3 years ago), and I may even get a savings account soon. My career is kind of on a back burner, but that’s not unexpected considering the fact that EVERYONE in my line of work is experiencing career setbacks due to the dot.com bust.
Like my friend Andy says, “27 is when all those rock stars died.” He turns 28 tomorrow, and at that point he will have outlived them all. Now I just need to do the same thing. 366 days to go (or is it 367 since 2004 is a leap year?).
. . . and now I’ve got that Cracker song stuck in my head. You know the one. It’s one of their two big hits. Time to go pretend to work some more.