Walking to work

Posted on Nov 13, 2003

I think there’s a god out there somewhere, and that he (she, it, whatever) wants me to get out more. Case in point: I woke up today at around noon (it was my day off). I spent 4 hours watching some episodes of Family Guy that I’d downloaded, and then went back to bed. I got up around 11:30, and began making preparations to leave for work. Make a salad, grab my bag, etc. Then my truck won’t start; the battery’s too low (although the dome light is on, kinda). I end up walking to work; it takes me an hour, and it’s uphill most of the way.

The irony is, if I’d gone outside today at any point, I would have started the truck (and it would have probably started again when I let for work), or it wouldn’t have started, but I’d have had enough time to get a new battery, or a jump start. As it is, I pretty much have to hope that as the battery warms up, it’ll magically develop more power and start. That, or I have to borrow a friend’s car and drive to NTB and get another battery. Either way, it’s a sucky day ahead.