Tech support rant

Posted on Sep 26, 2003

here’s a hint: We can’t search for you by your password. Nobody in the world could accurately search for you by your password. here’s why:

let’s say Phil has the username “phil01”. His password is “letmein”. now, let’s say Amy has the username “asmith45”. Her password is also “letmein”.

Now multiply those two users by 1000. 2000 users, any of whom may have any password. If I do a search for people with the password “letmein”, I could potentially get hundreds of responses. If I do a search for username “phil01”, on the other hand, I get exactly one response. That’s why usernames are unique, and it’s why I Ask you for your username. If I’d wanted your password, I’d have asked for it. It’s not like the words “username” and “password” sound remotely alike, either.

Users. Can’t live with them, can’t kill them. (thanks to Tom Arnold for the quote)