Random Musings
The hardest part about any site on the net is coming up with new content. That’s my biggest problem right now, aside from the boredom.
Anyway, I was reading The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (well, actually it was the third sequel, the one with Fenchurch in it), and I realized/decided that I need something similar, but designed for the handheld-sized computers we have today, instead of for the fictional micro-sub-meson electronic component that was The Guide.
The trick will be designing it so that it fits comfortably into less than a gig of memory. I’m thinking some kind of internet interface, so that you can use a wireless networking card to get the information. Naturally, this assumes that (a) you have a networking card, and (b) you can use it anywhere you want. Which is a shame, because right now you can’t. Unless maybe you get an account with T-Mobile Wireless, and live exclusively in Starbuck’s, or major airports, or on the campuses of major universities.
But that’s neither here nor there right now. Well, it’s not here. It just might be there, wherever there is. When I figure out where there is, I’ll let you know so everybody can go there, and then there will be here. Then it will be here and there. Which is completely the opposite of how this paragraph began. Fascinating.
Back to what I was saying originally. I don’t think the “infocalypse” site that I put up the other day will last. I’m just going to bookmark everything2 and be done with it. I mean, it even fits in with the definition of the Guide in the first place: much of it is apocryphal, or wildly inaccurate, but it is slightly cheaper than Encyclopedia Galactica. All it’s missing is the “Don’t Panic” in large friendly letters.