Windows mail server

Posted on Sep 2, 2003

I know that at least one person who reads this page has considered running a mail server on his system. Now, here’s the problem; there’s basically two ways to do it. You can:

  • Run the mail server on your main system, and hope you don’t have to shut down that often, or
  • Run the mail server on a dedicated machine that just stays on all the time.

Now, I endorse method 2, since that’s what I do. But many people don’t have an extra computer lying around, so method 1 is better for them.

I found a web site (while I was looking for a TFTP server for windows, but that’s a long story) that recommended Argosoft Mail Server as an affordable solution on windows for mail-servering. And boy, is it affordable. I’d even go as far as saying it’s free. Which it is.

So if you use Windows, download that software, and check it out. I’ll even help configure the MX records on your DNS if you want…